The World Still Confused Face Libya

The world community is still puzzled to get a solution in dealing with Libya. Arab League agreed on the imposition of no-fly zone in Libya, Moammar Qaddafi to prevent use warplanes to attack the opposition. But the Arab League strongly denied foreign military intervention in Libya.

As released by Reuters on Thursday (3 / 3), Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa said, to reach a decision, the Arab League should first coordinate with the African Union, including the matter of imposition of ban on fly zone in Libya.

Application of fly zones considered wiser than military intervention. The Arab League has suspended the membership of Libya under Qaddafi's regime in protest at the attack on the masses who are still fighting to overthrow Qaddafi.

Moussa said the Arab League's stance was reaffirmed when the West were arguing about an emergency plan to deal with the crisis in Libya. A number of opposition figures in Libya has asked the West to do an air strike.

However, Qaddafi warned the West not to intervene militarily. "If that happens, the world will witness the bloodbath," the threat of Qaddafi.

China refused
The Chinese government on Thursday asked the international community to respect the territorial integrity of Libya. China said it was because of the Security Council (BOC), the UN has begun to think about the possibility of attacks against Libya and the planned military action the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

"We must respect the sovereignty of Libya," a spokesman for Chinese Foreign Ministry, Jiang Yu, in Beijing.

China and Russia became a major barrier to international attacks by the UN Security Council mandate. Two of the country including the core members of the UN Security Council.

The U.S. government under President Barack Obama wants to prevent the mistakes his predecessor, George W. Bush, who invaded Iraq without a full mandate from the UN Security Council. In front of the U.S. Senate on Wednesday, Hillary Clinton's Foreign Minister warned that U.S. intervention would be "things that will be debated."

're After mistakes Some U.S. allies in NATO are also reminded that the idea of ​​imposing no-fly zone over Libya considered a mature space. In fact, the Germans warned the West not to meddle too much in Arabic.

In addition to the UN Security Council, the NATO is also no agreement. "There is no unanimity in NATO about the use of force," said U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

However, NATO Secretary General Anders Rasmussen said, NATO remains a wise action plan in the face of all the possibilities.

So far, international pressure is still limited to freezing of Libyan assets abroad. Another pressure is the threat to prosecute past crimes Qaddafi and family.

Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Luis Moreno-Ocampo, on Thursday in The Hague, said the ICC would investigate human rights violations in Libya. This is one way to open the way to the arrest of Qaddafi.

Apart from the various scenarios, the West has sent several warships closer to Libya. U.S. to deploy three warships.

Thursday Canada also deployed warships, HMCS Charlottetown, from the port of Halifax, Canada East, to join the U.S. fleet in the Mediterranean. The ship was carrying 225 soldiers and Sea King helicopters perched on the deck of the ship.

French warship carrying helicopters, Mistral, also has led to offshore Libya.

Meanwhile, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez claimed to have talked with Qaddafi. He spoke of an effort to defuse the crisis in Libya. "Chavez is ready to emerge as pelerai antarkubu the fighting in Libya," said Venezuelan Information Minister Andres Izarra via Twitter, on Wednesday.

Chavez has a good relationship with Qaddafi. He has invited its allies in and outside Latin America to discuss the formation of block pelerai-called Committee for Peace-Libya to mediate conflict. No mention is exactly what will be done Chavez. West also did not move about Chavez's intentions.

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