Turkey Sent Five Warship for NATO Mission in Libya

Brussels - Turkey offers one of five submarines and warships for the NATO mission off the coast of Libya to implement UN arms embargo against the regime of Moammar Qaddafi.

NATO has accepted an offer from six countries as many as 16 ships to prevent weapons reaching the hands of troops Moammar Qaddafi, said General of Canada Pierre St-Amand, during a press conference in Brussels, Belgium.

Turkey agreed to donate one submarine, four warships and one auxiliary ship, said St-Amand detailing.

Ankara criticizes Western attack against the regime of Moammar Qaddafi and submit objections NATO took part in the implementation of no-fly zone, but the country support the implementation of arms embargoes.

Donations to an arms embargo, including a command and control ship from Italy, 10 warships (four from Turkey and one each from Canada, Spain, Britain, Greece, Italy and the United States).

Italy, Spain and Turkey each filed one submarine, while Rome and Ankara also contributed one ship each maid.

NATO will also use maritime surveillance aircraft and radar observations of jumbo jets to keep the ocean. The operation will end in NATO naval base in Naples, Italy.

NATO has the intelligence data suggesting Gaddafi's regime continues to find a way to bring weapons into the country, even by sea.

"There is enough in our intelligence data to know that the arms embargo is an important aspect to hold ekanan on the regime."

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