Location: Jl. R.E Martadinata No.1 North Jakarta
It's not really an hotel, it's more like a bordello. You've got a good club downstairs, The Play, with house/progressive music and sexy dancers, and a very select lounge/spa on the seventh floor, the Bathhouse, with girls from countries as far as Uzbekistan, Myanmar or Russia coming to entertain the Indonesian Chinese elite. Entrance fee for the Bathhouse lounge is Rp. 120,000, and no drinks included! Also a karaoke (I forgot the name), very nice, with flat screen TV and audio equipment suitable for outdoor concerts.

Phone : 021 6916009 / 6010 fax : 021 691 6011/6013It's not really an hotel, it's more like a bordello. You've got a good club downstairs, The Play, with house/progressive music and sexy dancers, and a very select lounge/spa on the seventh floor, the Bathhouse, with girls from countries as far as Uzbekistan, Myanmar or Russia coming to entertain the Indonesian Chinese elite. Entrance fee for the Bathhouse lounge is Rp. 120,000, and no drinks included! Also a karaoke (I forgot the name), very nice, with flat screen TV and audio equipment suitable for outdoor concerts.

E-mail: marketing@hotelancol.co.id
ALiLA Jakarta
Location: Jl. Pecenongan Kav. 7-17 021-231 6008
Website: www.alilahotels.com
E-mail: jakarta@alilahotels.com
Allson Residence
Location: Jl. Senen Raya No. 135-137 021-3523379
Website: www.allsonresidence-jkt.com
E-mail: sales@allsonresidence-jkt.com
Amaris Hotel
Location: Jl. Panglima Polim Raya No. 2 Jakarta Selatan
Telp 021 - 7267111
Website: www.amarishotel.com
E-mail: marketing@santika.com
Ambhara Hotel
Location: Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya No.1 021-2700800
Website: www.ambhara.co.id
E-mail: info@ambhara.co.id
Aston Atrium Hotel
Location: Kompleks Segitiga Atrium, Jl. Senen Raya No. 135, Jakarta 10410
Tel. 62-21-3442828
Aston Marina Hotel & Residence
Location: Marina Mediterania Tower A - Jl. lodan Raya No.2
Telp 021 - 69837120
Website: www.AstonMarina.com
E-mail: info@astonmarina.com
Aston Rasuna Residence
Location: Jl. Haji Rasuna Said
Telp 021 - 83705555 / 9391000
Website: www.astonrasuna.com
E-mail: AstonRasuna@Aston-International.com
Atlet Century Park Jakarta
Location: Jl. Pintu Satu Senayan Jl Pintu Satu Senayan, Jakarta 10270, Indonesia
Phone : (62-21) 571 2041 Fax : (62-21) 571 2191
e-mail: hacp@rad.net.id
Reservation Fax : (62-21) 571 2094
Reservation e-mail : reservation@atletcentury.com
Website: www.atletcentury.com
E-mail: reservation@atletcentury.com
Ciputra Jakarta
Location: Jl. Let Jend S Parman
Telp 021-5660640
Website: www.hotelciputra.com
E-mail: rso-ind@swiss-belhotel.com
Crowne Plaza
Location: Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav 2-3, Jakarta 12930
Tel. 62-21-5268833
Grand Cempaka Hotel
Location: Jl. Let Jend Suprapto Cempaka Putih
Telp 021-4260066
Website: www.grandcempakagroup.com
E-mail: marketing_corporate@grandcempakagroup.com
Grand Flora Hotel
Location: Jln. Kemang Raya No. 7 021-7198000
Website: www.grandflorahotels.com
E-mail: info@grandflorahotels.com
Grand Tropic Suites Hotel
Location: Jln. Letjend S. Parman Kav. 3 Jakarta Barat 11470
Telp (62 21) 564 1555
Website: www.grandtropic.com
E-mail: reservation@grandtropic.com
Harris Hotel & Conventions Kelapa Gading
Location: Sentra Kelapa Gading Jl. Bulevar Kelapa Gading , Blok M Jakarta
Tel. +62 21 458 78 200
Website: www.harris-kelapagading-jakarta.com
E-mail: sales@harris-kelapagading-jakarta.com
Harris Hotel Tebet
Location: Jl. Dr. Sahardjo No. 191
Telp 021-8303355
Website: www.harris-tebet-jakarta.com
E-mail: sales@harris-tebet-jakarta.com
Hotel Sahid Jaya
Location: Jl. Jend Sudirman 86
Telp 021-5704444
Website: www.hotelsahidjaya.com
E-mail: sahidjaya@hotelsahidjaya.com
Hotel Santika Jakarta
Location: Jl. Aipda KS Tubun No 7, Jakarta 11410
Tel. 62-21-5361777
Kartika Chandra
Location: Jl. Gatot Subroto
Telp 021-5251008
Website: www.kartikachandra.com
E-mail: reservation@kartikachandra.com
Le Grandeur Mangga Dua
Location: Jl. Mangga Dua Raya
Telp 021-6128811
Website: www.legrandeurhotels.com
E-mail: info@legrandeurhotels.com
Location: Jl. Senen Raya 135
Telp 021 - 3442828
Website: www.lumirehotel.com
E-mail: antoine.villette@lumirehotel.com
Manhattan Hotel
Location: Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio, Kuningan
Telp 021-30040888
Website: www.hotel-manhattan.com E-mail: sales@hotel-manhattan.com
Menara Peninsula
Location: Jl. Let Jend S Parman 78, Jakarta 11410
Tel. 62-21-5350888
Mercure Convention Centre
Location: Jl. Pantai Indah, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, PO Box 3340 Jakarta
Tel. 62-21-6406000 - 7000
Mercure Rekso H. Wuruk
Location: Jl. Hayam Wuruk No 123, Jakarta 11160
Tel. 62-21-6248680
Millennium Sirih
Location: Jl. Fachrudin 3, Jakarta 10250
Tel. 62-21-2303636
Nikko Hotel
Location: Jl. M.H Thamrin No.59
Telp 021-2301122
Website: www.nikkojakarta.com
E-mail: info@nikkojakarta.com
Puri Casablanca
Location: Jl Puri Casablanca No. 1
Telp 021-3003 8888
Website: www.puricasablanca.com
E-mail: marketing@puricasablanca.com
Puri Denpasar Hotel
Location: Jl. Denpasar Selatan No. 1 Kuningan
Telp 021 - 5275542
Website: www.puridenpasar.com
E-mail: sales@puridenpasar.com
Location: Jl. Pecenongan 72
Telp 021-3500077
Website: www.redtophotel.com
E-mail: reservation@redtophotel.com
Santika Premiere Jakarta
Location: Jl. AIPDA KS. Tubun No. 7, Slipi
Telp 021 5361777, 5330350
Website: www.santika.com
E-mail: marketing@santika.com
Sari Pan Pacific
Location: Jl. M.H Thamrin
Telp 021-3902707
Website: www.panpacific.com
E-mail: glutfi@panpacific.com
Sheraton Bandara Hotel
Location: Bandara Soekarno-Hatta
Telp 021-5597777
Website: www.sheraton.com/bandara
E-mail: Sheraton.Bandara@sheraton.com
Sparks Hotel
Location: Jl. Mangga Besar Raya No. 44
Telp 021 - 625 2534
Website: www.sparks-hotel.com
E-mail: gm@sparks-hotel.com
The Akmani Hotel
Location: Jl. KH Wahid Hasyim 91 - Menteng
Telp 021-3190 5335
Website: www.akmanihotel.com
E-mail: info@akmanihotel.com
Twin Plaza Hotel
Location: Jl. Let Jend S Parman Kav. 93 - 94
Telp 021-56960888
Website: www.twinplazahotel.co.id
E-mail: sales@twinplazahotel.co.id
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