Revolver Owned by Al Capone Sold U.S. $ 110,000 at Auction

A revolver owned by American gangster, Al Capone, was sold for 67,250 pounds (U.S. $ 110,000) at an auction at Christie's auction in London on Wednesday.

Colt 38 revolver pistol type is sold by a collector who also include a letter from Madeleine Capone, widow of the brother of Al Capone, Ralph Capone, who claimed that the gun belonged to Al Capone and only ever used by him while still alive.

Notes to mention that these weapons, the gun was made ​​in May 1929, just months before the historic event on Valentine's Day massacre in Chicago, where seven people were killed in clashes between gangs, including gangs of Al Capone.

People who had bought the gun, by buying them online, still a secret.

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