Welcome to The Global Extinction

According to a recent study, the global extinction rate reached 160 percent, or had crossed the line. In recent years, numerous studies also predict that habitat destruction will increase from 20 percent to 50 percent for all species on Earth within 500 years.

The Global Extinction

Based on the research Stephen Hubbell, ecologists University of California, Los Angeles, many endangered species, although it is not going as quickly as feared. "The good news is we still have plenty of time to be able to save some species," said Hubbell. The bad news, firm Hubbell, is the loss of various habitats in the 21st century such as nature reserves that can accelerate extinction.

There is no evidence or direct method, which can indicate the level of extinction, so most scientists use indirect methods to estimate the speed of extinction of flora and fauna.

This method calculates the rate of new species that are found when the location of new habitat is found, the so-called species-area relationship (SAR), is inversely proportional to the curve predicted number of species will be extinct in the location of the damaged habitat with the same area.

According to Hubbell method is less precise, because land lost more than the discovery of new species. Therefore, only one type of species to be found in areas that are considered as the location of the new population.

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