Prince William and Kate Middleton, Ideal Age to Have a Baby

Marriage between Prince William and Kate Middleton seize the attention of many people globally, including from among obstetricians. William and Kate get married at the age considered ideal, so it is not advisable to delay pregnancy.

Prince William and Kate Middleton

The bride and groom are both aged 29 years, even though the new William was 29 years old next June. Obstetricians from Hackensack University, Dr. Alvarez Many assess that age is ideal for Kate and William to soon have a baby.

"This is an ideal time to memikili baby, especially if they plan to have children more than one child," said Dr. Manny Alvarez is also Adjunct Professor of Obstetrics and Giecologi at New York University School of Medicine in New York City, as reported by FoxNews, Friday (04/29/2011).

According to Dr. Alvarez has a child might be scary for newlywed couples, even for couples who have been dating for years though. But medically, Dr. Alvarez advised Kate to have children soon.

Why Kate should soon have children?
"For a woman, aged 26 to 33 years is the peak time of fertility. After age 35, women tend to experience more complications with hormone and ovulation, resulting in increased risk associated with fertility," explained Dr. Alvarez.

According to Dr. Alvarez, a number of variables that contribute to the decline in female fertility after age 35 years, is as follows:

1. Decrease the number of eggs
2. Impairment of health eggs
3. Decrease in cervical fluid
4. The development of other medical conditions associated with age, such as ndometriosis, high blood pressure or diabetes, which can interfere with conception.

Moreover, continued Dr. Alvarez, a woman in childbearing years has a certain probability of experiencing a miscarriage during her first pregnancy, and that risk will increase with age.

From the groom's side, the number and quality of sperm Prince William at this time was also considered to be at the optimal point. Later, if it is past the age of 35 years, the number and quality of sperm a man is greatly reduced to around 50 percent.

Another reason for Kate and William to soon have a child is, at a young age they have not thought too many financial problems and marital conflict. Various studies, stress that triggered these problems can also reduce fertility.

"Not to mention there are other factors associated with stress, which can also affect fertility. This includes financial stress, career and relationships. Obviously, I do not think that this couple (William-Kate) concerned with some of these problems," said Dr. Alvarez.

Given the various factors described above, Dr Alvares rate there is no reason for them to delay pregnancy. If there are no problems with the reproductive system, Dr. Alvarez predict once advocated for the bride and groom to begin childbearing later than May 2012.

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